Friday, March 12, 2010

Methods for Tracking Customer Satisfaction


Customer_Satisfaction.197205125_stdIn the daily life, organization should track and monitor customer satisfaction. The following methods can be applied for tracking customer satisfaction.

Complaint and Suggestion System: Customers are encouraged to make suggestions and complaints. Hotels provide printed forms to guests for this purpose. Web pages and e-mail is used to facilitate information flow.
· This method provides good ideas. Problems can be resolved quickly. However, not many customers like to complain. They just switch brands.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Periodic surveys of customer opinions are conducted. Questionnaire or interview is used to conduct the surveys. Customer views can also be asked about competitor’s preformace.

· This method involves customers to get information. But it is costly and time consuming.

Ghost Shopping: Mystery shoppers are hired by the organization who poses as potential buyers. They report strong and weak points experienced in buying the products.
Lost Customer Analysis: Customers who have stopped buying or switched brands are contacted to learn about the reasons for their behavior. Exit interviews can also be conduct from such customers. Increasing customer loss rate is an indication of customer dissatisfaction.
* High performance organizations have customers with high satisfaction. They create and deliver customer value and satisfaction. They deliver total customer satisfaction to delight the customers.

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